Exhibition Vernissage 25.07.14 19:00 Finnisage 08.08.14 Kaleidoskop and nullnullnull proudly present: Art works by: Igor Skaletsky Noe Sendas Workpage http://igorska.deviantart.com/art/trailer-331820629 http://www.invaliden1.com/noe-sendas/ Vernissage party: LIVE: YRCHN // Yuro Chain (Null!Null!Null!) http://yurochain.blogspot.com/ https://soundcloud.com/trhoro 77tm (Mecanica Records ) http://www.77tm.bandcamp.com/ http://www.soundcloud.com/77tm DJSET: Privacy. (VOID) https://soundcloud.com/privacyprivacy […]
Alle Artikel in der Kategorie “Program”

La Grande Bouffe | Belgian beer tasting and other culinary delights
Saturday, July 19 from 14:00 – midnight —— Le grand Menu —— All Belgian beer and cheese was picked up at the local breweries and abbeys by ourselves on a recent Tour des Ardennes. We will be serving little […]

“I was only interested in myself, and in such a skillful way that I considered myself free, even after I’d been living in a very strange foreign, hermetic world for a long time” Lyric Novella, Annemarie Schwarzenbach REBECCA BRODSKIS Exhibition: 10th-17th July 11am to […]

INK AGOP (www.inkagop.com) Born in Japan, Ink Agop is a video artist based in Berlin. She is mainly working on video installation and is also the director of the video production “Rec Lab” (www.rec-lab.net). Midnight sun (5’00) Dance performance video. We […]

48 Hours übergründe Fly_spray Photo Exhibition + Clockyangé
Exhibition: June 27 – July 08 Exhibition opening for 48 Hours NK >>Friday, June 27 starting at 19:00 Photography exhibition: Collaborative Works of Dina Schweiger and Joshua Head Collaborative Works of Torsten Solin and Joshua Head also Torsten Solin’s Broken Mirrors series. Dina Schwieger and Joshua […]

TRANSMISSION SIMULACRUM – quantum teleportation Saturday, June 14, 19:00 Artists: Seela Jousi (Finland) Irma Entenmann (Germany) Fabian Tombers (Germany) AVB-LAB Berlin is thrilled to announce the successful international Quantum Teleportation of an original artwork from TAMPERE, FINLAND to BERLIN, […]

Die Hure Wanda
DIE HURE WANDA Opening: May 30 17:00 & May 31 17:00 Exhibition May 30 – June 12, 2014 Opening hours: Wednesday-Sunday 15:00 – 20:00 and by appointment Die Hure Wanda lädt ein: zu einer Tour de Force durch den […]