
“Outta Gas” – Howard Katz (video) & Daniel Wiesenfeld (painting) – NACHT UND NEBEL 2014




“Outta Gas” – Howard Katz (video) & Daniel Wiesenfeld (painting)

is part of the Neukölln art festival
NACHT UND NEBEL, November 1 from 19:00 – 24:00

In ’Outta Gas’ Howard Katz and Daniel Wiesenfeld get together on a ride through abandoned Drive-Ins, past junk yards and car dumps and end up facing the windshields of five cars from the nether-world. Daniel Wiesenfeld visits in his series of paintings a car cemetery and channels the ghosts of the passengers. On his way he stumbles over all sorts of cultural detritus. In his video installation Howard Katz takes on the classic film-noir frontal shot of the protagonists in the car and expands it into a feature-length, campy and multilingual murder-mystery that leaves you wondering…