
LUKE BROWN – visionary works of art

Cinema, Concert, Exhibition, Program

luke_beitragKaleidoskop kindly presents:
Luke Brown °visionary° works of art exhibition.

Opening: Saturday 16th of August 2014 from 19:00 onwards
with live music and performances (please scroll down for more details)

16th August to the 22nd of August *Tues-Sat 11:00 to 19:00






About the artist:

“Luke Brown is an intrepid explorer, part of a new generation of visionaries reconstructing the templates of culture as we know it. His art speaks of the spiritual mysteries in the human imagination.
Mystical experiences, dreams, medicine journeys, and channelled lucid dialogues with the source of creativity itself, seem to guide and be guided by the colourful symmetries and living surfaces of his art. Much of his work emerges from a graceful synthesis of digital and painting mediums. Developing his work through mix and remix technologies, Luke is constantly redefining his style as a spiritual medium for growth. He is intent on mapping his hyperspatial experiences with utmost accuracy, with whichever medium seems best suited, as a form of multidimensional cartography.”


Program for this magical evening:


Luke Brown painting performance


°Lunaris Adusa Keshet°

“The devil that you think that you know is the god that you don’t”

Lunaris Adusa Keshet is a Cosmic ClownPriestess and Messengerspirit of the Darkrainbow Sisterhood of Light, helping to activate Rootjuice Interseed Cuntiousness in this mindblowing Timespacemoment here on Motherplanet Earth by the powertools of Starchildtantra and Innocent Madness.
Her installation is inviting the observer to visualize our divine Coreseed of Creation and connect through our Golden Roots to the Crown and back down, to center and breathe into our timeless Sacred Heartspace, shifting fears into awareness through the reidentification with our interdimensional genetic key of inner alchemy and Eternal Rebirthing, where angel and demon are two fragments of the same miraculous twisted twisted coin.


°Maitryk° (Uroboros Rec)

°Danny Strange°


Luke Brown art collection slides and assorted documentary films


~*~ OM SHANTI ~*~